Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Heaven in a bite

Happy 1 day of December!!!!! YAYAY Christmas!! I hope that you all have seen the video that the Church made for Christmas and if you haven't yet you need to do it right now!!!!!!!! It's soo good! 
But it sounds like Thanksgiving was awesome and now you are all just a little rounder:) hehe We don't have Thanksgiving here but I was still grateful all day for all my blessings that I have. 

My family
The gospel
I have a bro on a mission at the same time:)
The opportunity to be a missionary here in argentina.

These are just a few of the things that I am grateful for but I really feel so blessed everyday for these things:)

This week was great. We have a goal this transfer to activate a famliy less active cause there are a lot of less actives here so we made this goal, and the next day we went to go contact a less active family and they let us in and now we are besties and they came to chruch and last night we had a family home evening with them. God works with goals:) They are really so great and please pray for them that they can come back all the way and do all the things that they have to do. but they are sooooo awesome and I love them with all my heart and soul! 

One day we were contacting this week and we ran into the Parana river. Yup thats right the river is right there and we didn't even know it:) and it's not pronounced like the fish that has big scary teeth... its pronounce Paraná :) 

So the food here! Since it was Thanksgiving this past week for you guys and all that jazz I thought I would help you guys understand how the food is here

Top foods of argentina

1. Asado. It's like bbq but with all the meat of the cow that you can imagine:)
2. Milanesa. (I think is spelled that right) it's like a chicken nugget but huge and its with beef.) they eat this with french fries or mash potatoes. its really yumm yumm
3. Bread.
4 Facturas. Basically heaven in a bite. They are kinda like donuts but way better and sometimes they have jam or dulce de leche inside.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chau Chau Sunchales


This week was so awesome! 
First off we have a new missionary schedule we now wake up at 7 and go to bed at 11:) We still have the same amount of sleep but it feels like we get to sleep in :) It changed because it is so hot here and more people are out and about in the night so that's why.

So they called us yesterday and I'm leaving Sunchales! I feel like i am leaving my home again like i did 5 months ago but its all good everything happens for a reason divine but i will miss everyone here and they all have a piece of my heart. I will now be living in Rosario and i will have another comp from Peru:) It's going to be so weird to go from my cute little town here in Sunchales where we run into our investigators everywhere in the doctors office on the street in the store everywhere and now I'll be in a big city! haha life's crazy. But i feel really good about this so i know it's all going to work out:)

So we basically have the best investigators ever here. Aby and Antonella and Fransico are siblings and they are the bomb they have come to church the past few weeks and really want to be baptized, but they need permissio from their dad first but he is really cool so I'm sure it will all work out:) but they brought out a bunch of hats one day and we took pics. Another day we played a game with a blind fold and they had to find Christ so the person was walking around not knowing where to go and one person had a pic of Christ and all of the rest of us were walking around saying that we had the pic of Christ and then after they finally found the pic we played again with a string and it was a lot easier to find Christ with the help of the string (or the scriptures) it was a success and they are the best and I'm going to miss them with all my heart but its all good. My comp and the newbie will continue helping them:)

My mission president is the best person ever. He has such faith and is helping us have faith as well that we really can baptize the people of argentina. Every week in his emails he encourages us that we can do it and guess what, We went from a really low number of people with a baptism date and now in the mission as a whole we have 400 something people with a baptismal date. The work is really progressing because the missionaries are increasing their faith. Faith really is so simple and has such power! 

I love being a missionary I have learned so much here from the people in Sunchales and it will always have a place in my heart. I will miss having church in the club de los abuelos and i will miss the small branch that we have here and all the people. I will miss the peacefulness of this tiny town, but I'm excited to meet new people in Rosario:)

Love you all!!!!!!!! READ YOUR SCRIPTURES!!

love hermana ñelson

onward and upward
stay safe

Monday, November 10, 2014

Clap Clap

 It was seriously the best day of my whole life. He is an all around miracle. I don't think i told you guys this but the day we found him we had been contacting all day in the rain with no luck and at 8 at night we were about to clap at his house when he walked out and said that he heard us clap but we didn't. It was the angels:)  And now 3 weeks later he is baptized and has read the whole Book of Mormon. He is a miracle that one. The day of his baptism he felt so much peace and his leg that hurts him normally didn't hurt this day:) And when he was in the font and went under water he forgot to plug his nose so he got water in his nose but after he told us that it hurt to have water go up his nose but he would gladly do it again  because he feels so happy and peaceful. (Isn't he just the most precious thing you have ever seen?) After his baptism i really felt like i was flying-- my spirit was so happy for him:) ---another person has entered in the kingdom of god. It's the best feeling in the whole world. I feel so blessed that God let me be apart of teaching him:) When he received the Holy Ghost the same thing happened, the pain that he normally feels in his leg went away!!!!! Everything about him is a miracle! IM SOOOOOOO HAPPYYYYY FOR HIMMMMMMMMM

I LOVE YOU ALL. NEVER EVER stop reading the Book of Mormon. It really has power. power to do many things! 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Scripture Power

I'm more happy then I have been in my whole life here. There is something amazing about giving your life over to the Lord, everything is better. the colors are brighter the people are nicer. it's all great here and I'm SO happy.

I love teaching. I love teaching and getting to know all types of people because you can learn from them and when you teach the gospel you can see a little spark of light start to grow in them.  :)

I learned this week that everything happens for a reason! remember last week when I went to the doc to get a shot in my bum bum? (My comp loves telling everyone that i got a shot in my bum.) (Awkward!) Anyways the doc that helped us was really nice and we gave him a Book of  Mormon and he gave us his number so that we could call him if we had any problems. Anyways long story short, he wants to have a lesson with us and learn more about the Book of Mormon:) How cool is that! I'll get sick any day if it means that we can find people that want to listen to us! :)

We have the best investigator in all the world. His name is Oscar and he has a problem in his leg and he can't walk very well or use one of his arms. They both hurt him a lot. But he is the best. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and gave him a part to read that was like 7 pages long. He told us that at first he was scared of the book and didn't want to read it but he did and while he read it the pain in his leg and arm went away!! THE SCRIPTURES HAVE POWER! And then when he told us this I almost died of happiness. Then we taught him that he needs to pray to receive an answer if the Church is true. He read his new homework twice and then prayed and in the morning when he woke up he received his answer! He said it was the best feeling he has ever had.:) Guys the Book of Mormon has power! I love teaching Oscar he always is so interested and loves learning and he knows it's true as well. :) 

Upwards and Onwards